As a part of the efforts to leverage and track improvements, the CAHSI Data Management (DM) Team started collecting and analyzing enrollment data of CAHSI INCLUDES computing program(s) in 2020. In 2020, the DM team received responses from 33 higher education institutions of our partner institutions and 32 institutions in 2021. Given that our partner institutions have increased, particularly doctoral-granting institutions, the DM team received responses from 37 institutions in 2022.
Computing programs have been identified by faculty representatives and the relevant person(s) at each institution. Other URM (underrepresented minority) includes Asian, Black, American Indian or Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. Other includes Two or more races and race/ethnicity unknown. Nonresidents (i.e., international students) are excluded.
Instructions. You can use filters on the right side, and when you hover over a data point on graphs, you can see each bar’s exact number or percentage.
Note. In terms of NMSU’s enrollment data, in the 2020 – 2021 and 2021- 2022 academic years, the number of students disaggregated by race/ethnicity and gender was estimated if some numbers were masked to meet FERPA regulations (i.e., not disclose race/ethnicity and gender information with less than five students).